Projectlibre alternative
Projectlibre alternative

projectlibre alternative

It is released under the Common Public Attribution License (CPAL) and qualifies as free software according to the Free Software Foundation. Currently, ProjectLibre is certified to run on Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows. ProjectLibre is written in the Java programming language, and will thus theoretically run on any machine for which a fully functioning Java virtual machine (JVM) exists. Based on the referenced downloads, languages it is derived that ProjectLibre delivers project management software in native language and currency to over 6,000,000 people worldwide and 197 countries. In addition to language, the country can be chosen which also sets the project currency and date format. The 1.9.3 release allows project managers to select the language in a drop down list. ProjectLibre has been translated into 29 languages and has users on all 7 continents.


The latest release of ProjectLibre was released with extensive update for global users. ProjectLibre has been downloaded 6,000,000 times in 197 countries on all 7 continents and translated into 29 languages ProjectLibre desktop is a free and open-source project management software system intended ultimately as a standalone replacement for Microsoft Project. ProjectLibre is a project management software company with both a free open-source desktop and an upcoming Cloud version.

projectlibre alternative

net /projects /projectlibre /Ģ9 languages including Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese and others

Projectlibre alternative